#terf rhetoric



“But isn’t having sex with people that you’re not in love with cruel and manipulative?”

Translation: I love recycling SWERF rhetoric in order to shit on aromantic people.


(Image description: six square images with purple backgrounds and white borders, every image has bold white text in the center. All together this text reads: “I don’t care if testosterone therapy makes me sterile. I am allowed to live a life that does not revolve around childbearing or parenthood. I do not have to prioritize childbearing or parenthood in my life. My bodily autonomy and freedom of choice are worth more than potential fertility. I don’t give a fuck what you believe my "biological purpose” is. This body is mine to do with as I will.“)

Possibly controversial, but I don’t care if testosterone therapy makes me sterile.

I’m allowed to live a life that does not revolve around possible future childbearing or parenthood. My own bodily autonomy and freedom of choice are worth more than potential fertility.

I don’t care what anyone believes my "biological purpose” is. My body is not your “earthen vessel”. I am not here to “be fruitful and multiply”. I don’t want to join your womban only arts and crafts circle and finger-paint with period blood. I don’t have to find any kind of special meaning or spiritual significance in the reproductive organs that I was born with.

The only reason I am here right now with this body that is mine is to do whatever I want with it.

I’m allowed to not want pregnancy and childbirth, or the possibility of them. I’m allowed to not want parenthood in any form. I don’t have to prioritize those things in my life.

The potential loss of my fertility on testosterone is not a loss for me, it is a benefit. For more than half of my life now I’ve known that I never want to experience pregnancy or childbirth, and yet I am clearly expected to value my potential ability to do those things above my own actual wants and needs? No chance.

No trans person should be required to delay medically transitioning because of concerns about future fertility, if the trans person themselves isn’t concerned with the ability to have biological children.

I resent the notion that medically transitioning is harmful because we’re–allegedly–choosing to sterilize ourselves*. Choosing sterilization is not harmful. The ability to choose sterilization should be the right of every person, regardless of gender, who is of an age capable of reproducing.

(*Contrary to popular belief, testosterone therapy is not a contraceptive and does not always result in a person being sterile; it is entirely possible for a person to become pregnant while using testosterone therapy or after stopping it.)



I really hate on this website that we erased the term monosexism as it was a very useful term m-spec people have being using for years but terfs decided it was bad becuse it group them with straight people and all of you believed it.

Monosexism is the belief that people who are only attracted to one gender is somehow better or more superior to those who are not monosexual.

Monosexism seeing everything as only gay or straight and if your not you either lying or making things up.

Monosexism is erasing multisexual people are seeing them as less memebers in tge community.

Monosexism is seeing multisexual people are dangerous and dirty

Monosexism is seeing m-spec men as gay men who havent fully accepted themselves as gay.

Monosexism is seeing m-spec women as either lesbians or straight women depending on who your talking to

Monosexism is not seeing multisexual as a full identity and only half of something or on the way of realizing our ‘true’ sexuality.

But you guys all decided it was bad becuase terfs said it ‘group gays with the straights and that it was inherently evil for that.’ And you believed it.
